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Ken Bone – A Man With Red Sweater Viral Debate After Presidential Election



Ken Bone : ‘Red Sweater Guy’ is a fictional character. Watching this year’s debates, according to Ken Bone of the 2016 Town Hall, is “like watching your house burn down.”

Ken Bone viral debate

Ken Bone became one of the most famous uncommitted voters of the 2016 election cycle almost four years ago today, when he asked the presidential contenders about their energy policy during the second presidential debate.

Bone says he’s having similar sentiments of insecurity as the 2020 presidential election approaches.

“To be completely honest,” Bone told Newsweek, “I’d say I’m uncommitted again.” “In both of these election cycles, very few individuals were actually unsure. They’re undecided, implying that you don’t have a strong view about either candidate.”

After questioning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-presidential candidate Donald Trump about their energy policy during a debate at Washington University in St. Louis on October 9, 2016, Bone earned the moniker “Red Sweater Guy.”

Bone was one of a select group of undecided or undeclared voters from the St. Louis area chosen by Gallup researchers to participate in the town hall-style debate.

“What actions will your energy strategy take to meet our energy needs while being environmentally responsible and minimising employment losses for workers at fossil power plants?

” Bone posed the question, which gained him instant celebrity because to the bright red sweater he wore to the discussion.

Bone later traded the sweater back to Izod, the business that created it, after Izod offered to make a donation to a St. Louis-based charity in exchange for Bone permitting the sweater to live at its headquarters.

Though his time in the spotlight was brief due to posts later discovered linked to his Reddit profile that included controversial comments about leaked nude photos of actress Jennifer Lawrence, pregnant women, and Trayvon Martin’s fatal shooting, he enjoyed a brief period as a “American hero” before the backlash began.

Bone said he was stunned Trump won the 2016 election, as did many other Americans at the time.

“What Trump is truly a master at is manipulating people via the media,” he said, describing Trump’s first year in office as “hit and miss with a lot more misses than hits.”

“It’s crazy how he gets us all to focus on what’s in his right hand while he’s doing his magic with the other,” Bone remarked.

Earlier this year, Bone stated publicly that he was endorsing Andrew Yang in the Democratic primary.

“I don’t endorse candidates, as you know. Except when I do, that is “In early February, Bone posted on Twitter. “I’m all in, #YangGang!” says the narrator.

Yang’s candidacy appealed to Bone because it was forward-thinking, a trait he felt the other contenders lacked in comparison, according to Newsweek.

Bone announced on Twitter that he has endorsed Yang with less than two months till the election in mid-September “”I believe in him,” he said, adding, “Trump and Biden are both jerks who don’t deserve our support.

” Why should I pledge my support to a politician who could care less about me two months before the election?”

According to Bone, the first presidential debate did not change his mind about either candidate.

“I believe we received roughly what we expected. In some ways, we almost got what we deserved because we’ve all contributed to raise the political temperature “Bone remarked.

“It usually results in a couple of older folks yelling at each other, asking each other to shut up, and talking over each other like drunk cousins at Thanksgiving. It was completely insane.”

Bone said he thought Biden did a better job overall in the first debate and praised Biden’s decision not to bring up Trump’s family after Trump attacked his son, Hunter Biden.

“I didn’t have a good view of either of them to begin with, so it was difficult to bring it down,” Bone explained. “I believe Joe Biden did a better job than Donald Trump, but he wasn’t quite John F. Kennedy up there.”

According to Bone, the first presidential debate was “exactly an example of everything that is wrong with politics.

” Instead of meaningful debates on the day’s most pressing topics, “Both candidates were attempting to create a 5-second sound byte that could be repeated numerous times.

It was condensing everything into a single sentence while disregarding context and complexity “he stated

Despite his dissatisfaction with the first debate, Bone stated that he intends to watch the remaining debates this election season.

He believes that if the last two presidential debates go as planned, Trump and Biden would cover some of the problems that he considers to be most essential, such as energy policy, student loan debt, and foreign policy.

If he were given the opportunity to offer a question at a debate this season, Bone said he would be “tempted” to ask the same issue he asked in 2016, which he believes has gone unanswered over the last four years.

The Commission on Presidential Debates said this week that the vice presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday between Vice President Mike Pence and California Senator Kamala Harris will go on as planned, despite Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis last Friday.

“It’s painful to observe the process; it’s like watching your own home burn down. But I feel like I owe it to the public to keep an eye on things “Bone mentioned his tens of thousands of social media followers after his meteoric climb to popularity in 2016.

“For whatever stupid reason, some people will seek information from celebrities or renowned people,” he remarked.

“If people are going to listen to me, I feel like I owe it to them to at least be somewhat knowledgeable, and then to make it plain that anything I say is not gospel—just it’s my opinion.”

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