88 Percent Of Delhi Population Has Vitamin D Level Which Is Less Than The Normal
88 Percent Of Delhi Population Has Vitamin D Level Which Is Less Than The Normal:
Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some exciting facts on the 88 percent of Delhi population has Vitamin D level which is less than the normal.
88 Percent Of Delhi Population Has Vitamin D Level Which Is Less Than The Normal
About 8 in 10 people in Delhi suffer from Vitamin D deficiency which causes chronic muscle pain, spasms, low energy levels, depression, etc., according to Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India. The Healthcare Committee report to bringing out by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India.
According Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India. The latest survey conducted in Delhi-NCR, around 88% of the Delhi population has a Vitamin D level which is less than average. However, the more significant concern is that the community at large is not even aware of Vitamin D deficiency and its consequences.
A data analysis of samples between the age group of 21 and 65 years from the year October 2017 to March 2018 testing to show insufficient Vitamin D presence, age group of 21 to 35 years teaching the maximum insufficiency of Vitamin D.
Healthcare Committee and its members, under CSR activities, are organizing a series of free medical camps in Delhi with PSRI hospital, where comprehensive check-up and counseling will be made available to participants.
Around 55% of survey respondent fall under the age bracket of 20-29 years, followed by 30-39 years (26 percent), 40-49 years (16 percent), 50-60 years (2 percent) and 60-80 years (approximately 1 percent).
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone mineralization, leading to bone softening diseases as rickets in children and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults. Vitamin D deficiency can easily correct by Vitamin D supplementation or some lifestyle changes, said Dr. H K Chopra, co-chairman of ASSOCHAM Healthcare Council.
Dr. Chopra further says insufficiency or non-exposure to sunlight, staying in air-conditioned rooms for extended hours during the day could be the prime reason behind the deficiency.
In the cases of patients suffering from Vitamin D deficiency have been steadily rising in India. Men, women, and children are equally affected. Vitamin D is also finding in certain foods which need to include in the daily diets of the people.
Foods high in Vitamin D are fish, beef liver, egg yolks. Vegetarians can consume almond milk, soy milk, orange juice, cereals and mushrooms, Dr. Chopra says.
Vitamin D deficiency is defining as 25(OH)D < 20 ng/mL, insufficiency as 20–29 ng/mL and sufficiency as =30 ng/mL, noting the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India. Health council committee.
Low vitamin D levels are widely known to harm bones, leading them to become thin, brittle, soft or misshapen. But Vitamin D is equally essential for heart, brain, immune function and much more.
So, these are the points to describing on the 88 percent of Delhi population has Vitamin D level which is less than the normal.
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