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Working Remotely: Challenges And Solutions


The COVID-19 pandemic created many work-from-home opportunities. Working at home in pajama pants with pets nearby is a dream of many professionals. There are, however, challenges to working remotely. With careful assessment and planning, individuals can overcome them for a positive and productive work experience.

Distractions at Home

No matter how disciplined or organized a person is, they can still get distracted at home. There are pets to play with, dishwashers to unload, and kids to discipline. To overcome this challenge, remote workers should consider renting a coworking space from Brick House Blue. Professional spaces like this allow individuals to get away from the distractions at home and work without interruptions. Coworking spaces also allow collaboration and meeting spaces a home office might not afford.

Loneliness and Isolation

Working at home all of the time can cause people to feel lonely and isolated. Being lonely can negatively affect an individual’s mental and physical health and work performance. Coworking spaces can help with this challenge. Organizing regular video calls with friends or colleagues help people to feel connected to the outside world. Individuals may want to spend an afternoon in a different location, such as the library or a coffee shop.

Different Time Zones

Many companies cover multiple time zones. This can make coordinating meetings challenging, especially when international teams are involved. Companies may use instant messaging and file-sharing to collaborate at any time. Establishing and keeping set working hours will help everyone know when they can expect to get in touch with others.

Having Fast WiFi

A poor internet connection or outdated technology can be frustrating. Managers should ensure that remote workers have the equipment to connect at home. That can include providing the latest computer, software, and apps. Companies may consider reimbursing employees for the cost of their internet service and be willing to install the fastest connection available. Many employees choose to have their own devices as a backup to a work computer if it experiences difficulty.

Time Management

Some people are not good at managing their own time. If they don’t have to clock in and out, they may not get all the work done in a day. Without a boss nearby checking in on them, their productivity may decline. People work best with routine, so employees should pick a schedule that works for them and consistently work it. Some people prefer a traditional 9 to 5 schedule while others like to work in the early mornings and late evenings so they can spend more time with their families. Either way, consistency is the key.

Dress and Professionalism

Many employees like to roll out of bed and start working in their pajamas with a cup of coffee. However, the clothes that one wears affect their mindset. The motto “dress for success” is still true in the remote work world. Workers should purchase professional, yet comfortable clothing that will make them feel good and get them in the right mindset for working, not relaxing.

Tools for Success

Professionals at home might appreciate noise-canceling headphones to block out noise. They could also add insulation to soundproof doors and windows. Companies can use communication apps such as Slack or Zoom to make connecting easier.

Remote working will likely continue to rise in popularity. Companies can help make teleworking successful with proper planning and resources.