Home News World Top 5 World’s Deadliest Shark Attack Beaches

Top 5 World’s Deadliest Shark Attack Beaches


Top 5 World’s Deadliest Shark Attack Beaches: Hello welcome again. Do you love diving, swimming and surfing in beaches? I think many of you must be saying yes but I must say you should have an idea that some beaches has deadliest sharks in it and even you can be their food. The chances of getting attacked by a share is one in 11.5 million but some beaches have a high rate of shark attacks out of which many proved to be fatal. So in this post I will be showing you 5 World’s Deadliest Shark Attack Beaches so you can change your mind to visit that beaches or you can take precautions first. Read this post till end.

1. Charleston County, South Carolina

This beach is situated in south carolina. United States.   It is One of the spot where tourist loves to visit. It is also known for the Shark attacks. This beach is one of the most deadliest beach in the US. According to the National geographic data since 2000 more than twenty shark attacks have happened in this beah. There are more than thirty Shark attacks out of which three have been fatal. In the past ten years one boy died there while he was surfing in the beach. So before you visit here think twice.

2. Martin County Florida

Martin County Florida

Florid has been a center of attraction for many people. It is also known for the wonderful beaches. The first incidence was recorded in 1880 a man drowned from the Hutchison island and was eaten by the sharks which led him to a fatal end. Some people also say that a woman fell down in the beach while she was in her boat. Not only this incidence but many news sources has reported fatal death in this beach. There are total thirty six Shark attacks recorded in this county out of which two were fatal.

3. Reunion Islands

Reunion Islands

This island is between the Madagascar and Mauritius it is on the Indian ocean. This French island has been recorded many shark attacks in previous years. However many areas in this beach are prohibited for swimming and surfing due to increased number of sharks in the beach.  There have been eighteen shark attacks out of which seven proved fatal. You will find a species of tiger shark and bull shark. Many of researchers have proved a massive activity in the waters during the mating season.

4. Port St. Jhons

Port St. Jhons

This beach located in South Africa is well known as worlds deadliest shark attack beaches in world. A most recent injury was recorded in 2012 which proved to be fatal. The second beach here is closed for visitors as there are a breeding ground for the bull sharks. Some people of the beach side say that there are no rescuers heired at the beach. The body of an Australian tourist was not found after the shark attack.

5. Recife Brazil

Recife Brazil

If you just wanna take a dip into these huge and lovely beaches then hold on this is one of the deadliest shark attack beach in the world. According to a survey or research conducted from 1992-2012 there were fifty six deadliest shark attacks of which twenty one were fatal. The beaches here are well known in world for its beauty but also for its deadliest shark attacks.

So I think after reading this article you must have changed your mind of visiting these beaches. Just sitting near the beach is okay but surfing here would cost you your life.But if you still wanna visit here then be there at your own risk. So bye till then and see you’ll in next article.