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The Causes Of Mattress Sagging And How Can You Avoid It?


A Saggy Mattress And Its Signs

The first sign of an old mattress is a saggy mattress. There are some temporary fixes that you can use to extend the life of your mattress. You may want to check the slats on your frame. If they’re warped, you may need to replace them. If this isn’t an option, you can place plywood between the box spring and your mattress base. If you don’t have plywood handy, you can purchase an extra set.

You can check the balance of your mattress every month to see if there are any uneven areas. You can also flip it once every six months. You will put the bottom side up and the top side down when you flip it. This will evenly distribute the weight on the mattress and help prevent sagging in those areas. If you can’t reverse the mattress, you should always turn it over to the top side. You can also use a bunkie board to fix your mattress. A bunkie board is a wooden or plyboard made base for your bed. 

If you can’t get your mattress to stay level, try placing pillows in the depressed areas. You may even want to use small pillows in certain regions. You can also set a sheet of plywood under the mattress to help it stay flat. Ensure that the plywood you use is in good condition and can be replaced if necessary. Then, rotate the bed again every few weeks. This will help even out the mattress and make it more comfortable for you.

The Causes Of A Saggy Mattress

A Couple That Sleeps Together

The first cause of a sagging mattress is a couple that sleeps together. This creates a situation where both people concentrate their weight on the same spot. This is not healthy for a mattress. A sagging mattress is caused by inadequate support. This can come from poor boxsprings and bed frames. A sagging mattress is usually not easy to detect. However, you can quickly correct this by using some simple tips.

A Poor Bed Foundation

The second cause of a sagging mattress is a poor foundation or bed frame. The bed frame or foundation may have become weakened, and the mattress is beginning to sag. You should check these items to ensure that they are not the source of the sagging mattress. If they are not the cause, contact a foundation or frame company to discuss repairs. There are many solutions available to fix a sagging mattress.

Heavy Weight

Another cause of a sagging mattress is a heavyweight. If you are overweight and sleep on a queen-size bed, you may sink into it at one point. This will lead to the mattress sagging. As a result, you may experience general aches and pains. So, there are a few things that you can do to prevent this from happening. You can try these tips and avoid the sagging of your mattress by choosing a good one.

The Bed Frame

When you have a sagging mattress, the bedframe is the most significant contributor. Too much weight can cause it to lose its shape. The best way to fix this problem is to rotate the mattress. If you have a sagging bed frame, it is essential to replace it as soon as possible. Even if only the structure is affected, a sagging mattress will likely be more uncomfortable than a saggy one.

Tips To Avoid Mattress Sagging

Add A Plywood Base:

You can prevent mattresses from sagging by adding a plywood base. If yours is already sagging, you can also add a mattress topper or pad to the bed frame. These solutions will give you more support and stability on your mattress. In extreme cases, you might have to replace your old mattress and get a new one. But these tips should help you avoid the sagging of your mattress.

Use A Ruler To Check For Flatness:

If you are noticing sagging, you should take action immediately. There are several things you can do. First, try to fix the mattress using a ruler to check for flatness. If it shows signs of sagging, there is a deep angle that needs to be fixed. Second, try to sleep on different spots in the bed to avoid the sagging of the mattress. Third, ensure your bed frame has adequate centre support to prevent sagging.

Rotate Your Mattress:

Another way to prevent sagging is by rotating your mattress. The sagging of a mattress is caused by several factors, including the quality of the materials used in its construction. The materials used in a mattress should be of high quality. Moreover, the materials used for the cover should be of high quality. A mite-proof mattress cover should be used for mattresses, as mites can live in them.

Inspect Your Mattress Every Month:

Inspect your mattress at least once a month to avoid sagging. Using a ruler, check the mattress’s flatness. It would help if you fixed any deep angles. Lastly, it is essential to rotate your bed once in a while to avoid the sagging of a pillow. This will help prevent the sagging of a mattress. The best way to prevent sagging is to sleep on different bed parts to avoid accumulating pressure in the centre of your body.

Get A Mattress With A Warranty:

The best way to avoid the sagging of a memory foam mattress is to purchase a mattress with a warranty. The warranty will cover the structural defects of your mattress. The manufacturer will not repair it if the sagging is less than an inch thick, but they will fix it if you pay for a warranty. It is also essential to check the centre support of the bed.

In Conclusion

Whether you’re having a hard time falling asleep or waking up stiff and sore after a sleepless night, your mattress might need replacement. There are several reasons you might need to replace your old mattress. Stress or poor sleep hygiene may be to blame, and it’s not uncommon to experience muscle pain or discomfort on a lousy mattress. If you find yourself tossing and turning in the middle of the night, you should consider replacing your mattress.

If your mattress is causing you pain, you may need to replace it. A new mattress is more comfortable and will last longer than your old one. According to Consumer Reports, mattresses usually last from seven to ten years. Although some manufacturers offer a twenty-year warranty, these warranties are only for parts or artistry, not overall comfort. It is a good idea to check your mattress regularly and purchase a new one when necessary.