There can be several reasons why you may consider getting a degree online instead of obtaining it by attending campus-based classes in a university. Whatever the reason is, it can either be a decision based on choice or circumstance. How so? Regionally Accredited College
Getting a Degree from a Regionally Accredited College
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Opting for an online degree becomes a personal choice if it is the flexibility of the program that attracts you. Perhaps you do not want to spend your days commuting to and from school or do not want to stay in a dorm. Or maybe you already have a job and want your class schedule to fit into your work schedule. On the other hand, it becomes applicable if your reason for choosing it is financial constraints or health issues.
There are some people who scoff at the idea of pursuing an online degree, saying that it is not legitimate compared to a traditional degree. To most people, though, it is getting an online degree or not getting a degree at all.
The Appeal of Online Education
In this age of the Internet, the paradigm of education has gone through a dramatic seismic shift. Thanks to Google, students can now do research or learn about any topic known to man in a matter of minutes. The opportunity for remote learning became possible so that those who have long since graduated from traditional schools, such as baby boomers, can go back to school to brush up on knowledge that was not available during their time. Even geographical barriers are done away with since you can enroll in classes offered by universities in different countries.
Further advancements in technology made the concept of online education much easier to adapt to. With the flexibility it affords, it is now a matter of making your schooling fit into your schedule rather than adjusting your schedule to accommodate schooling. A case in point is if you want to pursue an MBA, but you are tied up at work. Through an online MBA program, you can study and work at the same time. You will not have to worry about conflicting schedules because you can take online classes anytime and from anywhere you are as long as you have Internet access.
With all these positive points about online education, it is not surprising why it is so popular these days. Still, despite the convenience offered by online degree programs, circumstances beyond your control may prevent you from trying it. What can you do in such a case?
Buying as Opposed to Earning a Degree
If we tell you that you can buy a degree from online sources, will you believe us? Perhaps. After all, with the Internet, everything is possible. However, we are not talking about fraudulent degrees here that diploma mills are offering. We are referring to legitimate degrees that you can be proud of and can confidently present to a potential employer as part of your application credentials.
Indeed, buying degrees online has become a norm in these modern times. Why is that? Well, the passage of time, along with technological advancements, has made the world more competitive. These days, to be successful in any industry or land the job of your dreams, you will need to have a university degree. “It is just a piece of paper with my name on it,” you may say. Yes, that may be true, but it also bears your major and the name of the university that conferred the degree. And to most employers, those two details have a direct effect on your employment chances. That said, your degree can be your lone ticket to a job that pays handsomely.
Should you consider biting the bullet and buying an online degree? The choice is up to you. It is a personal decision that only you can make. The fact is many people opt to buy a degree because they are not blessed with the financial means to see themselves through college.
Paying for college tuition is no joke. According to reports, the average cost of tuition and miscellaneous fees for the academic year 2020-2021 for schools ranking in the National Universities category is $41,411 for private colleges and $11,171 for public colleges. That is for state residents. For out-of-state students who enroll in state schools, the average tuition is $26,809. So, unless you have funds to spare, buying degrees online is probably your best option.
Apart from the high cost of tuition, there is the matter of time. There is no denying the fast-paced lives we all are living. With that in mind, it is logical to assume that not everyone has the luxury of time to devote four or more years handling a full coursework or juggling school with work. Taking time off from work to concentrate on your schooling is out of the question, considering the higher cost of living brought about by advancements in technology and modernization. Even if you are single, you will have to consider so many expenses to survive. So, imagine how much more expensive it is if you already have a family.
Therefore, should you buy a degree? What if you decide to go for it but end up with the short end of the stick? Do not worry. Your reservations are valid. With the proliferation of diploma mills out to scam people of their hard-earned money, you have the right to be concerned. However, if you exercise prudence and discretion, you will find the right provider of online degrees.
Understanding How Online Degree Providers Work
You need to know that where online degree providers are concerned, not all are created equal. There are legitimate sources where you can buy a degree, and there are those that put on a genuine façade, but in truth, they are fly-by-night businesses out to dupe you of your money.
You may have come across advertisements on websites you have visited in the past promoting degrees from online universities with names that sound eerily like bigshot schools such as Columbia or Berklee. Slogans for such ads will say stuff like, “Give us your credit card information, and you will get your degree in three days.” Sounds sketchy? Yes, because the whole thing is sketchy! They will send you your degree, and it will look like a typical degree, but once you present it as an employment credential, you will realize that it is fake as a three-dollar bill. That is because you were essentially dealing with a diploma mill disguising as an “online university.”
Nevertheless, if you click here, you will see that there are providers from which you can buy a degree from a real university. You can even choose from different degree levels like bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. degrees. You can also choose from several majors.
These providers can help you get your desired degree at an affordable price, thereby turning your dream of having a degree attached to your name into reality. These providers are more than just businesses. They have made it their mission to help people like you get the degree that is best suited to your competencies. You can see from their application form just how thorough they are. They want you to succeed because they believe in your potential and aspire for you to grow professionally.
Are Online Degrees Worth the Risk?
Now, you are probably wondering how you can be sure that you are buying degrees online that are authentic. Well, the degrees offered by said providers are from legitimate, internationally recognized universities. So, you will practically be getting your hands on an official, authorized, and certifiable degree that you can be proud of.
You can even buy a degree from a regionally accredited college, which is considered the most prestigious and widely recognized accreditation a college or university can aim for. Reputable online degree providers have ties with universities worldwide so that you will be getting your degree from a university of your choice. That means the degree will bear not only your name and major but also the name of a prestigious, world-renowned university.
What is more, because the degree is real, anyone can call or email the conferring university to confirm your enrollment to their online program and verify if you graduated. They will see your name in the roster of students. Time and finances aside, you will get your degree minus regular school attendance and exhausting coursework. You can have a real degree from a real college without breaking a sweat – something you can flaunt proudly.
Even with no exams, no projects, no recitations, and no internships, there is no problem. You will still get your degree effortlessly when you buy a degree from a real university.
These days when the job-hunting landscape is overly saturated, having a degree gives you a competitive edge over others. Do not let your chance go to waste. Purchase an online degree and increase your chances of securing a great job with even greater pay. You will be in contention for the best positions applicable to your major if you have a degree to show for.