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What is Non ECR Category? ECR vs Non ECR



What is Non-ECR Category? ECR vs Non-ECR: Hi, Friends Today I am going to share some interesting information on the topic of What is Non-ECR Category? ECR vs Non-ECR.

The Indian passport is divided into two stages. Which is known as Emigration Check Required (ECR), and Emigration Check Not Required (ECNR).

Whenever some want to travel out of the country. then the first thing that comes to mind is Passport. It is a document which is issued by the government in order to certify the identity and nationality of the holder.

Non ECR Category

Non ECR Category

The passports are issued that is depending upon their Age, Educational qualification, and many other factors. It is a very essential travel document. It is even more important to know about the two categories of the Indian passport.

The Meaning of ECR

ECR stands for the Emigration Clearance Required. If the applicant has not passed their 10th grade or does not have certificates for the same. It must undergo an emigration check. It is introduced in order to give freedom of work for people. If he wants to work in other countries such as Iran, UAE, Indonesia, etc.
It is said that any Indian citizens who are having low educational qualifications are subjected to domestic violence in foreign countries. So, the Government of India has introduced a very strict norm to safeguard every Indian who was living abroad and help them to overcome such circumstances.

Who can apply for an ECR passport

If a passport applicant has not finished his 10th class or has to finish. But do not have all the important documents for the 10th class and children under the age of 15 then they get an ECR passport by default.
Most of the Indians are traveling to any foreign country on a visa other than a job or employment visa. They can also apply under the ECR category by clicking the ECR option while filling out the Passport on the online application form.

Countries that need clearance

There is a list of around 17 countries that need Emigration Clearance from the Protector of Emigration and Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs. The countries that need clearance such as Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Indonesia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
If an ECR passport holder and is traveling to any of the above-mentioned countries on an employment visa. Then one needs to clear the emigration to migrate to that country. For any other visa kind, one need not undergo the Emigration Clearance. You just show your valid ECR passport, then the tickets and valid visa at the immigration counter, and get an entry at the airport.

Documents to be submitted at the Passport Office

The mandatory documents which anyone needs to submit are Valid with the address proofs, Annexures, and any Emergency proofs. The above-mentioned documents are a must when anyone applying for an ECR passport to make sure you stick fast to the Indian government policies and guidelines.
An educational qualification certificate is not mandatory for getting the ECR Passport. However, one can have it as an additional document.

What is the Meaning of Non-ECR

Now-ECR is known as Emigration Clearance Not Required. This process is for the people who are educationally qualified and really want to travel for any business or travel purposes. The ECNR passport holders can be travel anywhere in the world without the need of clearing the emigration.
Many Indian citizens who have passed their 10th class and can get the ECNR. But there will be no need to clear emigration at the counter. Even if you have completed your 10th and still not have certificates with you, then you will get it under the ECR category.

The Applicants who can apply for ECNR or Non-ECR Passport

Passport applicants who are having the mandatory or legal educational qualification certificates of the secondary school. They are eligible to get the ECNR Passport by default. In case if an applicant specifically does not need ECNR. Then they can choose other options while applying for the passport online.
Some of the conditions for applying under the ECNR category
  • Indians whose education qualification is above 10th class and have all the essential documents with them.
  • People of 50 years of age and above.
  • One who holds a Diploma in the Polytechnic from any renowned institute.
  • who has spent three years overseas.
  • One who holds a Diploma in Nursing under the Indian Nursing Council Act of 1947.
  • The Gazetted Government officers, their spouses, and children.
  • One who are holding visas for permanent immigration or resident visas for the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia?
  • Official and also Diplomatic passport holders.
  • Income taxpayers are including agricultural income taxpayers, with their spouses and children under the age of 18 years.

The countries accepting ECNR Passport?

Not every country will demand an emigration certificate. Almost all the countries will be allowing ECNR passport holders without any emigration clearance. Moreover, people are visiting on all other visa types that are including tourist, job, medical, study, business. They are only allowed at the immigration counters in the airport. Particular Documents to be submitted to the Passport office.

Applying for an ECNR passport, you need to submit all the mandatory address proofs with annexures. Also any emergency proofs in the Passport office. An educational qualification certificate is also mandatory if you are applying for the ECNR Passport.

So, these are the important points that are mentioned above on the differentiation between ECR and ECNR.

Please go through the above-mentioned article, and enjoy reading it.

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