Home Business How to Strengthen Your Company’s Security Posture

How to Strengthen Your Company’s Security Posture


Company’s Security Posture: Security posture is an organization’s strength of defense and protection over its systems. It measures your company’s vulnerability to data breaches and other forms of cyberattacks. 

With a strong security posture, your firm has the necessary processes in place to defend your important data against evolving threats. Whether this is an established or new priority in your firm, you can use the examples below to protect your systems better. 

Perform a Security Assessment

This step should be the first thing you need to take to improve your security posture. It can provide a big-picture view of your company’s security situation. By completing a risk assessment, you can detect and identify potential vulnerabilities across all assets. 

This process outlines your most vital information technology (IT) assets, the potential impact of a data breach, and the likelihood of an exploit, among others. 

Fortunately, you can use various security tools to run this kind of assessment. You can also assemble an in-house security team who can conduct the review for the company.

Define Key Security Metrics

To get a clear picture of how your organization is doing from a security standpoint, you need to define key metrics. This step allows you to paint a picture of your firm’s current threat landscape. 

Like the ones given below, these metrics can help you develop a baseline for security health and posture. They may include:

  • The volume of data the business produces
  • Incident rates 
  • Vulnerability fix response times 
  • Incident response and remediation times
  • Identified intrusion attempts 
  • Severity level of incidents 

Develop an Incident Management Plan

You can strengthen your company’s security posture by having an incident management plan. Having a strategy is a critical element of being proactive in your firm’s security. Without it, IT teams will not know where to start if a data breach occurs.

An incident management plan can help reduce the time it takes to remediate a breach. Knowing which teams are responsible for specific roles can promote better communication and collaboration. 

Your IT department can execute a test breach to check the effectiveness of your plan. These tests will help refine and strengthen the strategy in the long run.

Train Your Employees

The lack of security training across your organization can pose serious security risks. This is why it is essential to prioritize employee training to improve your company’s security posture.

You have to administer training to every employee during the onboarding process. The program should test individual cybersecurity literacy as well as fundamental security knowledge. 

After onboarding, you should also conduct regular training. This process can help you evaluate the effectiveness of the training programs you have in place.

Prioritize by Business Impact

Proper remediation and patching are the next steps after assessing your company’s risks and vulnerabilities. The assessment will tell you which threats will have the most significant impact, allowing you to address them first.

Knowing the potential effect of the risks and vulnerabilities on business-critical systems will help your IT department prioritize. Once you have prioritized cybersecurity threats by their impact, you can start taking action to patch them.

Assign Managers to Risks

There can be a wide variety of potential risks to your company. With this in mind, you have to spread out the ownership of these risks across departments. After assigning the risks, you should assign managers who will be responsible for monitoring each threat.

The division of work allows a knowledgeable party to track and monitor every risk. It also distributes the responsibility of threat management throughout the organization instead of falling to a single team. 

Risk managers will need proper identification to control access to crucial data. Avon Security Products can provide your organization with secure ID cards so risk managers can have an easier time addressing potential threats. We also offer other security products that will allow you to safeguard your business better.

These are some simple yet practical tips that can help you improve your firm’s security posture. With these steps, you can be sure that your company’s systems, data, and applications remain secure.