Home LifeStyle Does Your Senior Parent Need Care? Look Out for These Signs

Does Your Senior Parent Need Care? Look Out for These Signs


When you have grown used to living independently, it can be hard to imagine a time when you might need to have more hands-on help with your daily routine. Things like preparing your meals and getting dressed in the morning are things you likely do on autopilot for the majority of the time, but what happens when these basic tasks become challenges?

Although you might be a long way off from this scenario yet, your senior parent might not be. It’s important to look out for the following signs to make sure that your parent can look after themselves still or whether or not it might be time to look at care options.

The House is a Mess

Everyone can fall behind in their household chores on occasion, but there is a difference between a bit of mess because someone has been busy and a dirty house that is being neglected. Not only is this a poor environment for your parent to live in, but it could be due to them finding the process of doing chores to tiring or challenging for them these days.

Therefore, they don’t do them properly or at all. There are ways around this, such as hiring a domestic cleaning service to help them, or you might want to look at some care options if they are showing any more of the signs on this list.

They Aren’t Eating Properly

Another sign that things aren’t quite right is if they aren’t eating properly. This might be because meal preparation has also become a task that is too difficult for them, or they are forgetting to eat. You might notice significant weight loss or gain, whether they are skipping meals or relying on unhealthy ready meals and takeaway so that they don’t have to cook.

You can always look at getting a meal service to deliver healthier foods, cook them meals yourself, or hire an at-home carer to help them with this. Alternatively, you may want to look at the option of moving them into an assisted living facility so that they are getting the help they need to stay comfortable and healthy. Look at this St Louis assisted living facility to get an idea of what is on offer.

Mismanagement of Medication

If your senior parent is taking any medication, they must be following their doctor’s instructions. However, if they appear to be mismanaging their medication, whether that is due to forgetfulness or they don’t want to take it, this should be a big cause for concern. Getting them a carer can help to make sure that their medication is being managed properly so there won’t be a decline in health or accidental overdose due to not taking the medication properly

They Are Becoming Increasingly Confused and Struggle with Memory

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are not uncommon conditions, but they are distressing for both the patient and their loved ones. While some people with these conditions can live at home, they will need the right support from a memory care team, whether that is going to a day centre, having a live-in carer, or moving into a memory care residential facility. Speak to your parent’s doctor for advice and to better understand when the time is right for this type of care.

If you notice any of the above signs, it could be that your senior parent needs some support. There are many options for care that you can explore, so finding the right fit for everyone is possible.