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Where is Wolverine Trophy?[ Fortnite]



Where is Wolverine Trophy: Week 3 of Fortnite season 4 is here and that means a new step in the Wolverine quest line.

The first Wolverine quest sent players looking for his signature claw marks, while the second had players search for a Quinjet crash site.

Fortnite: Find Wolverine’s trophy in Dirty Docks – Wolverine week 3 challenge guide

Week 3 of Fortnite season 4 is here and that means a new step in the Wolverine quest line.

The first Wolverine quest sent players looking for his signature claw marks, while the second had players search for a Quinjet crash site.

For the third challenge, players will need to find Wolverine’s trophy in Dirty Docks.

In this case “trophy” is actually referring to the head of a Sentinel, the giant robots frequently used to hunt Mutants in the X-Men comics. As the challenge suggests, the Sentinel head is in Dirty Docks, but finding it isn’t easy so we’ve marked the location for you:

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Wolverine’s trophy Dirty Docks location

The Sentinel head/trophy is at the furthest-south edge of Dirty Docks, inside the large building that’s disconnected from the rest of the complex.

If you approach the building from the east side — the one facing the water — you can walk in through the back door.

Once you’re inside, walk straight ahead and open the first door, which looks like it should lead to a small closet. Inside the closet, at the very bottom of a shelf, you’ll find the Sentinel’s head.

After you grab the trophy the challenge will complete and you’ll be one step closer to unlocking Fortnite’s Wolverine outfit.

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