Home News What Happened On March 31 2013?

What Happened On March 31 2013?


What happened march 31 2013, the day in which we celebrate Easter? Men in the Czech Republic chased female relatives and friends for the traditional Easter leg thwacking.

India: In India, lightning and strong rain toppled homes in Bihar state. Twenty people were killed. In Pakistan, Taliban militants attacked the motorcade of Malik Adnan Wazir (a secularist-backed politician), wounding him, and killing two other.


Morocco’s first two decades under King Mohammed VI have yielded a number of noteworthy foreign policy achievements, large-scale infrastructural developments, important civil reforms, and limited political transformation.

However, the country still faces many security challenges, including internal and regional, despite its successes.

High unemployment, poverty and social inequalities continue to plague the country.

There is also a lack of education and healthcare, an urban-rural divide and a large public debt. Additionally, economic hardship has led to an increase in the repression of protests.

Over the years, the Moroccan government has made many promises to various political parties but none have ever been fulfilled.

During 2011 pro-democracy protests, for example, the monarch promised a new era of reform, but he has since failed to implement any genuine change.


Nigeria is Africa’s largest oil producer, but its continued conflict with insurgent groups and high levels of government corruption threaten its stability.

Although Boko Haram has been expelled from parts of Nigeria, the terrorist group is still attacking civilians and the local police.

President Muhammadu Buhari was elected on a counterterrorism platform in 2015, but economic and political challenges have complicated the fight against the Islamic extremist group.

Regional security worries could be exacerbated by the growing links between Boko Haram, and other Islamist organizations.

What happened on march 31 2013

The Nigerian military said soldiers attacked a home in Kano believed to harbor Islamic extremists, killing 14 people and wounding another. Gunmen also raided Ataka village in Kaduna state, killing 19 people.

The United States boosted military assistance to Nigeria in an effort to help fight the Islamic extremist group. President Buhari, a former military ruler, was elected on a counterterrorism platform in 2015.

However, political and economic challenges made it difficult to fight Boko Haram. The group’s links with other Islamist organizations could increase regional instability.


A powerful bomb went off in Pakistan near the Parachinar Shiite Muslim minority place of worship. It killed at least 24 and left more than 70 people injured.

The attack was claimed by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a breakaway faction of the Pakistani Taliban.

Another group, Fedayeen al-Islam, also claimed credit for the incident, along with a similar ambush-style attack against the Sri Lankan cricket team earlier this month in Lahore.

A Pakistani Supreme Court restored the provincial government of a main opposition leader in Punjab, easing political turmoil.

After a legal challenge regarding Shahbaz Sharif’s eligibility for office and Nawaz Sharif, a five-member court ruled in favor of Shahbaz Sharif.

In China a top general was charged with embezzlement, bribery and misuse of state funds after prosecutors accused him of running an extensive criminal gang that robbed rivals, maintained fleets of Ferraris and bribed police to avoid prosecution.

After a scandal involving corruption that led to the resignation of a high-ranking politician, this general was indicted.


The Pheu Thai government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra won a landslide victory in July 2011 elections, but human rights problems continued to persist.

They include a lack in accountability for 2010’s political violence, abuses at the southern border provinces and restrictions on freedom speech and violations of refugee rights and migrants rights.

Thailand is also one of the world’s most dangerous countries for travel, with an estimated 38 road traffic deaths per 100,000 people.

On Tuesday, a Bangkok-bound chartered bus collided with a truck and burst into flames, killing 19 people.

Many people are still vulnerable to violence, despite the wealth of this country. Migrant workers in particular are at risk of physical and sexual violence, forced labor, and trafficking to other countries.

The government also continues to implement a policy of intercepting and pushing back boats carrying ethnic Rohingya Muslims from Burma and Bangladesh, resulting in hundreds of deaths.

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