Home News What Everyone Needs To Know About COVID-19

What Everyone Needs To Know About COVID-19


As of April 22, 2021, over 1.06 billion COVID-19 vaccines have been administered to people worldwide. Governments all across the globe are calling on everyone to get vaccinated. Unfortunately, many are continuing to hold back. With so many COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy theories running rampant, it is no wonder so many are refusing to get inoculated. And, this is not to mention the horror stories about vaccinated people getting blood clots and dying a few short hours after getting inoculated. 

What Everyone Needs To Know About COVID-19

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 150,848,483 confirmed and 3,171,896 unconfirmed COVID-19 deaths have been reported worldwide. Before you refuse to get vaccinated, you need to know more about the vaccine. 

Decreased Risk Of Getting Ill

Getting vaccinated may reduce your risk of getting COVID-19. And, if you do contract the virus, the vaccination may minimize the side effects. Medical experts claim the COVID-19 vaccination can also protect family, friends, and co-workers from contracting the virus. This basically means if you get vaccinated, you will be doing your part to protect those around you from contracting the virus.

Stop The Pandemic

There are signs, the COVID-19 pandemic is slowing. Fewer deaths and new cases are being reported in Europe and North America. Canada has reported a 50 percent decrease in new daily cases while Portugal is reported a 30 percent decrease. Some members of the global medical community have contributed the decline in new COVID-19 cases to the mask and isolation regulations, as well as the vaccine.

The CDC alleges more people getting vaccinated will help stop the spread of the virus. 

No Testing Required

Once you are fully vaccinated, you will no longer be required to get tested. Currently,  non-vaccinated travelers flying within the United States are required to undergo COVID-19. Vaccinated travelers, on the other hand, are no longer required to participate in COVID-19 testing. This is just one perk of getting fully vaccinated.

No More Isolation

When non-vaccinated people travel within and outside the United States are required to self-quarantine before and after each flight. Some people have spent months in self-quarantine when the COVID-19 virus was declared a national emergency. These individuals are no longer keen on the idea of spending time in isolation, even if it is related to flying.

Vaccinated travelers flying within and outside the United States are not required to self-quarantine before or after each airline flight. While this may not seem like a big deal, people who have already been vaccinated believe it is a great deal. In fact, some of these individuals contribute their decision to get vaccinated to such benefits.

Participate In Indoor Activities

It cannot be stressed enough, the coronavirus can easily spread from person to person indoors. Indoor activities, on the other hand, are much safer when you are vaccinated. Non-vaccinated people are required to remain at least six feet apart when indoors. 

Vaccinated people can participate in more indoor activities with other vaccinated people. Special precautions must still be taken when interacting with non-vaccinated people. 

Does Not Impact Human DNA

Conspiracy theories claim the COVID-19 vaccination alters human Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). The global medical community has debunked these claims. In fact, licensed physicians have gone public with their support for the COVID-19 vaccine. Many are calling the DNA alterations claims “fake news.”

According to evidence, COVID-19 mRNA does not enter the cell nucleus. Nearly all DNA of the cell, genetic material, is stored in the nucleus. If the mRNA does not enter the nucleus, there is no risk of DNA manipulation.

Once you are fully vaccinated against the disease, you can freely play online games. 

Saving Lives

The global medical community cannot stress enough the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. When immunocompromised individuals get vaccinated, they are decreasing their risk of contracting the infectious disease. People who have recently undergone solid-organ transplants are immunocompromised. People with cancer, HIV/AIDS, lupus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, BENTA disease, Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS), and rheumatoid arthritis are also immunocompromised.


Medical experts all across the globe are calling for herd immunity through the COVID-19 vaccination. The higher volume of people getting vaccinated will help slow the spread of the virus. Contrary to belief, the COVID-19 vaccine does not manipulate DNA.

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