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What Are Your Major Rights If You Get Injured In A Workplace Accident?


Getting injured in a workplace is something that we all should be cautious about. We cannot be oblivious to this fact and need to acknowledge the possibility of it happening. But do you know what you need to do if you get injured in the workplace?

You need to contact your personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. And if you happen to live around Boca Raton then, I suggest you get in touch with a Boca Raton workers’ comp lawyer.

After you get injured, there is a process you need to follow. Since you are reading this article, I presume you are heavily interested in knowing what you should do. Through this article, I will be telling you what your rights are if you get injured in the workplace.

Basically, you need to be well informed about the steps you need to take if you get injured. So without wasting any further time, let us delve deep into knowing your major rights if you get injured in a workplace accident.

What Are Your Major Rights If You Get Injured In A Workplace Accident?

Below are some of the rights that you have if you get injured in a workplace accident.

#1: You Have The Right To File An Accident Report

The first major right that you have is you have the right to file an accident report. Most states have a very short window for filing a report, so you must keep that in mind. So even if you feel that the injury was not that grave, yet you should report it.

Your report will definitely make your employer make adjustments and implement new safety measures in the workplace. This will definitely prevent injuries from happening in the future. Furthermore, reporting an accident report protects you if you do not experience immediate symptoms.

#2: You Do Not Have The Right To Claim Compensation If You Were Drunk

It is a very important thing that you must take note of. You lose all your right to claim compensation if you are intoxicated. Employees lose their rights to claim compensation if they are in an altered state of mind.

In many workplaces there is a policy that requires employees to give drug tests. Injuries that take place during a commute are also excluded.

#3: You Have The Right To Consult A Doctor

This is the third most common rule. You absolutely have the right to consult a doctor whenever you get injured. If you sustain serious injuries, then you should be taken to an emergency room by your co-workers.

In good places, a doctor is assigned to take care of you, but if you feel that the doctor is not good enough, you have the right to select a doctor of your choice. I am not sure whether the worker’s compensation will pay for it. But even if it does not, you should do it out of your pocket.

#4: You Have The Right To Report Injuries As Soon As Possible

You should not hide your injury; you should report it ASAP. It is your employer’s responsibility to file a worker’s compensation claim. So if you do not report, how will they know?

Furthermore, you should follow up the process of employee compensation claims filed by your employer. Do not forget to take a copy of it.

#5: You Have The Right To Consult Workers’ Compensation Attorney

You have to seek legal help from a Workers Compensation Attorney if required. You must always consult an attorney who has years of experience in personal injury laws. So you must ensure that you seek legal counsel.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, above were the major rights that you have in case you get injured in a workplace. I hope you have found this article informative. If you have some queries or suggestions, you can comment them down below; we will try answering each one of them.