Home Technology Ways You Can Increase Revenue With a Cloud-Based Call Center

Ways You Can Increase Revenue With a Cloud-Based Call Center


Ways You Can Increase Revenue With a Cloud-Based Call Center: There’s no escaping the cloud. These days, cloud-based technology is ubiquitous and has had a distinct impact on nearly every industry, even some you may not have previously considered. For instance, cloud technology has even expanded to the customer service market and is presenting businesses with many ways in which they can streamline their day-to-day operations and give their bottom line an added boost. In fact, there are several ways in particular that a cloud-based call center can help you increase your business’s revenue. 

Ways You Can Increase Revenue With a Cloud-Based Call Center

Boosting customer retention

It’s known that acquiring a new customer is much more difficult than retaining one. Naturally, a good portion of your efforts are probably already dedicated to customer acquisition. Even so, you still can’t risk alienating or losing your existing clientele or else you might find yourself at a growth impasse. Typically, if an existing customer is reaching out to your business, they’re strictly looking for assistance from your customer service department as opposed to marketing, sales, or advertising. After all, you’ve already hooked the customer so chances are they have a question or are in need of some form of help.

Receiving bad customer service at this stage in the customer’s life cycle, so to speak, can be a major turnoff. Missed calls, ongoing phone tag, and failure to respond to messages can do great harm to your business. Luckily, with a cloud-based call center like those offered by Bright Pattern, you’re more able to leverage technology to ensure that you’re not neglecting your current audience. From automated call forwarding to callback features that reduce waits and the amount of time spent on hold, cloud-based call centers are better able to address the needs of all of their customers, not just the new ones. And, through the aid of automation, since you aren’t required to allocate added manpower to customer retention, you’re able to spend extra effort acquiring those elusive new customers. 

Reduced overhead costs

Think of every single expense your business takes on. Chances are, it’s a pretty massive list. Even being able to remove a handful of items from that list could free up funds and improve your profit margins. For instance, if you don’t absolutely need a storefront or an office, you could ditch the pricey lease with the help of a cloud-based call center. Since this type of software allows employees to work remotely, you don’t need to provide a physical call center from which they have to work. As long as they’re able to field inquiries during your regular business hours, they’re good to go. And since you’re saving money there, you could even consider moving up to 24/7 customer service, which is attractive to customers. 

On top of that cost-cutter, you’re also going to save major money on hardware. If you’ve switched to a business model that allows for distributed employment, you won’t need to provide any hardware to your customer service reps. As long as they have a stable internet connection, their own laptop, and a headset, they already have all the tools to effectively accomplish the job. Plus, since hardware shifts pretty frequently, you’re saving yourself the hassle of regular upgrades. Plus, you won’t need to pay for a dedicated server to handle the storage of call recordings and customer data due to the cloud functionality. 

Switch to the cloud

If you’re operating a more traditional call center model, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by switching to a cloud-based call center. It can cut cost and allow you to focus attention on important business growth and development. Invest in yourself and find a cloud-based call center provider that can put you at the cutting edge of customer service.