Megastar Chiranjeevi is currently working with Koratala Siva for an upcoming film Acharya, which is carrying social message and is being helmed by Kortala Siva of Bharat Ane Nenu and Mirchi fame. The film Achaya has Ram Charan in the crucial role. Chiranjeevi asked Rajamouli about his shooting schedules and when can his sonRam Charan be relieved to join the sets of Acharya. Puzzles Rajamouli said to Chiranjeevi that he is not aware of the shoots but is eagerly waiting to resume the shoot of RRR in which Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Young Tiger Jr NTR are essaying the lead roles.
SS Rajamouli promised Megastar Chiranjeevi that he would inform Khaidi No 150 star soon after he gets enough clarity about the shoot schedules of RRR.
The reports are coming that Acharya director Koratala Siva is mounting pressure on Chiranjeevi and he is trying his best to bring Ram Charan on to the board. If Rajamouli will not allow it, then Koratala Siva will try to approach another actor to play the cameo in his upcoming directorial venture.
According to Koratala Siva, he has wrapped up 40% of the shoot of Acharya and the regular shoot will be resumed in Ramoji Film City soon where some crucial scenes will be shot for twenty consecutive days.