Home News Crime Maya Millete Murder: Why Did Her Husband Kill Her?: Read Full Story

Maya Millete Murder: Why Did Her Husband Kill Her?: Read Full Story


Maya “May” Millete disappeared on January 7, 2021. Her husband, Larry Millete, has been accused of murdering her. The couple’s children were in his care when she disappeared. They have no other explanation for the disappearance. Larry has a history of crimes and has been arrested before.

What is the motive for the disappearance? And what do her children think? We’ll discuss this case in this article. Follow CHOPNEWS for more updates.

Maya Millete Murder: Why Did Her Husband Kill Her?: Read Full Story

Larry Millete is accused of murdering his wife Maya Millete

The woman’s sister reported her missing Jan. 9, saying that something seemed suspicious about her daughter’s absence. The woman also had three children, and she never missed their birthdays.

According to her brother-in-law, the couple was having problems and thought about separation. Despite this, she did not want to leave the children alone. So, she arranged a safe house and a friend’s vacant condo for the kids.

The couple argued before Maya disappeared. Police say Larry then called a spell caster and asked him to make his wife want to stay with him, and to cause her to get into an accident.

The police say Larry backed up to the house at a slight angle, out of view of security cameras, and left the house for 11 hours and 21 minutes. Then, they say, Larry drove to a beach and disposed of Maya’s body.

Maya Millete Was Last Seen By Her Husband

Maya Millete was last seen on Jan. 7, 2021, in Chula Vista, California. Her husband, Larry Millete, said that she had locked herself in her room following an argument with him.

Her relatives, including Larry’s sister, Maricris Drouaillet, and former Navy criminal defense investigator Billy Little, went to the Millete home to look for clues.

While they were there, they noticed that Larry Millete did not appear to be too concerned with Maya’s disappearance. He looked like he was cleaning up the house and not caring about his wife.

Larry Millete is suspected of killing his wife. Authorities arrested Larry Millete on July 22, 2021. Police said he was trying to conceal the murders by sending messages to spellcasters during the divorce.

Upon his arrest, Larry Millete failed to cooperate with authorities. He was also held without bail for more than a year and a half.

Her husband has a criminal record

Larry Millete’s arrest in the disappearance of his wife Maya was a shock to the world. The couple had been married for nearly 20 years, but Larry was refusing to give Maya a divorce.

The arrest warrant reveals details about the couple’s marital problems. On Jan. 7, Maya Millete went missing and was never seen again. As the investigation continues, her family is asking the public for help in finding her.

The suspect’s alleged murder of his wife has prompted questions about his criminal history. He has been accused of murdering Maya after she went missing in January. The family was concerned when her cell phone stopped working and her purse was missing.

Eventually, the family went searching for her and found that she was missing. The house was searched twice in two weeks, and police executed nearly six dozen warrants.

The warrants allowed the police to look for evidence from various residences, including electronic devices, social media accounts, and online data.

Maya Millete Children

It’s unclear if Larry Millete will get custody of the children after his arrest on murder charges against his wife. The kids have been in the custody of Larry Millete’s parents since their disappearance.

The children are in their father’s care, but Maya’s family is unhappy about this. So, they filed for visitation rights and custody in May and December 2021, respectively.

While the children will continue to live with their paternal grandparents, the maternal family has recently requested to be granted weekly visitations.

Larry Millete’s first court appearance is set for October. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and illegal possession of an assault weapon. If convicted of murder, he could spend 25 years to life in prison.

His wife argued that he was upset that she didn’t want to live with him anymore. Moreover, it is unclear whether Larry will ever find his wife, but his kids are in his care.

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