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Learning from Mistakes in Writing Scientific Paper



Learning from Mistakes in Writing Scientific Paper: There is one bad tendency in the world of education that is, considering mistakes as something bad and should be avoided. During the first twenty-two years of his/her life, everyone is taught that mistakes are a shame and should be avoided. In fact, the errors are actually a guide not to repeat the same ones. Winston Churchill, the former British Prime Minister, once said: “All men make mistakes, but they need to be wise to learn from their mistakes.” This statement reveals that mistakes are an opportunity to make something better. James Joyce, the famous Irish writer, said also “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” So, the more mistakes someone can identify (including the mistakes of others) the more he or she learns and the more chance he or she has for making something better in the future.

The paradigm that error is a guideline for doing something better is very useful to apply in the writing of scientific papers. Based on the author’s experience in guiding the writing of papers, articles, and thesis by students and in editing scientific papers, there are four sections where mistakes often made by writers (beginners); how to make effective paragraphs, how to make writing easy to understand, how to write references, and how to deal with the time given. Hopefully, our understanding of these four sections will enable us to produce better scientific work.

Learning from Mistakes in Writing Scientific Paper

1. Effective Paragraph

Basically every paper is a set of paragraphs that address a problem. Therefore, the ability to write good paragraphs is a very important requirement in writing scientific papers. The following are fundamental concepts that need to be mastered in order to develop effective paragraph writing skills. The paragraph is essentially a fusion of clusters of sentences that address one central idea. The whole sentence must have a logical relationship. Sentences that are not logically related (or irrelevant to the idea) should be removed out of paragraphs. Repetitive sentences should also be omitted.

2. Make The Writing Easy To Understand

This is the next stage in producing a quality paper. You may understand the topic well but you may not be able to make others understand the topic. What you need is to put you in the position of the reader (according to your target), whether you (as a reader) can understand every sentence written. Or are you able to understand new discoveries related to written topics.

3. Write The References

An academic paper can’t stand alone. It must be reinforced by scientific facts that have been universally agreed upon, as well as various opinions or ideas that are all also based on the discipline concerned. Therefore writing references is something that is mandatory when we write a scientific paper. Make sure you understand how to create a good bibliography and make sure you include as many sources as possible to support your scientific paper.

4. Deal With The Time Given

This is a classic problem that is closely related to discipline. You must be disciplined in arranging your time so that you can allocate part of the time to your scientific writing. In urgent situations you can also take practical steps. One way is to hire professional writing services. You can find it by surfing the Internet and as an info to you; this is the best place to get help in writing scientific papers.