Ladies Take a Note Eating Healthy Can Improve Your Hearing Ability
Ladies Take a Note Eating Healthy Can Improve Your Hearing Ability: Consuming a healthy diet could boost hearing ability, says a new study. The study publishing in the Journal of Nutrition examines the relationship between three different foods and risk of developing hearing loss.
Ladies Take a Note Eating Healthy Can Improve Your Hearing Ability
The Alternate Mediterranean diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and the Alternative Healthy Eating Index in the year 2010 (AHEI-2010) in 70,966 women who are following for 22 years.
The researchers are conducting by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that consuming healthy diet is associating with the lower risk of hearing loss amongst women.
The team also reveals that healthy eating lowered risk of hearing loss by a whopping 30 percent.
Through the study, the scientists were aiming to look at the relation of overall diet and risk of developing hearing loss was unclear.
Previous studies have a looking at how specific nutrients affect risk, but not many have studied the overall relationship.
Interestingly, we observed that those following an overall healthy diet had a lower risk of moderate or worse hearing loss, says first author Sharon Curhan.
Eating well is contributes to overall good health, and it may also be helpful in reducing the risk of hearing loss.
For the longitudinal study, the team is collecting detailed information on dietary intake every four years.
The findings are revealing that women whose diets most closely resembles the AMED, or DASH dietary patterns which have an approximately 30 percent lower risk of moderate or worse hearing loss, compared with women whose diets resembles these nutritional patterns the least.
In addition to this, has also revealed from the findings in a subcohort of over 33,000 women that the magnitude of the reduced risk may be even greater than 30 percent, and may also pertain to the AHEI-2010.
For the uninitiated, the AMED diet includes extra virgin olive oil, grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish and moderate intake of alcohol.
On the other hand, the DASH diet is high in fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy and low in the sodium.
The AHEI-2010 diet has common constituents as those found in AMED and DASH.
So, these are the points to describe on the Ladies Take a Note Eating Healthy Can Improve Your Hearing Ability.
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