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Jack Van Impe: The Life and Legacy of the Founder of JVIM International



In this article, Jack Van Impe was an American televangelist best known for his weekly television program Jack Van Impe Presents which offered prophetic commentary interpreting Scripture to contemporary events. Known as the “Walking Bible”, Jack founded Jack Van Impe Ministries International (JVIM), which seeks to proclaim Jesus Christ’s gospel while also preparing people for his imminent return. Unfortunately he passed away on January 18th 2020 at age 88.

Jack Van Impe
jack van impe

Early Life and Ministry

Early Life and Ministry Jack Van Impe was born February 9, 1931 in Freeport, Michigan to Oscar and Marie Van Impe, both immigrants from Belgium in 1929. At 12 years old he experienced his spiritual conversion after witnessing his accordion-playing missionary father preach. Graduating from Detroit Bible Institute in 1952 he started preaching as well as evangelizing. While at Detroit Bible Institute he met Rexella Mae Shelton (an organist with Billy Graham crusades), whom he later married later that same year before founding Jack Van Impe Ministries together.

Van Impe released numerous gospel and spoken word recordings during his time touring with his wife across America to hold revival meetings and crusades, appearing on several radio and television programs such as PTL Club and 700 Club respectively. By 1970 he launched both Voice of Hope radio show as well as television program that became one of longest running religious programs.

Eschatological Teachings and Controversies

Van Impe was well known for his eschatological teachings, which focused on end times prophecies found in the Bible as related to current events. He claimed to have studied over 10,000 books on prophecy and found over 14,000 references to Christ’s second coming within Scripture alone. To illustrate his points he frequently used newspaper headlines as proof; these warnings would often warn his viewers against signs of the times; furthermore he predicted exact dates for various events including rapture, tribulation and battle of Armageddon among many other events he predicted by making use of specific dates predicted events that took place over time and made specific predictions; these could also predicted exact dates for certain events like rapture, tribulation and battle of Armageddon itself!

He often received criticism from some Christian leaders and denominations who accused him of sensationalism, date-setting, misinterpretation and false prophecy. Additionally, some outspoken views such as Islam, Catholicism, ecumenism, homosexuality abortion politics. Furthermore, his teachings often faced strong backlash for contradicting biblical truth or deviating from it in any way; yet he always supported Israel’s right to exist and believed its place within God’s plan for end times.

JVIM International Mission and Vision

JVIM International Mission and Vision Van Impe founded JVIM International in 1970 as a non-profit organization to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. According to its website, its mission is “reaching every soul with the good news of Jesus Christ before it’s too late”, while its vision is “using all means available to reach every person with every word from God”. JVIM accomplishes its goal through various mediums such as television broadcasts, internet outreach, print publications, prophecy conferences, humanitarian aid, humanitarian aid, humanitarian aid, and prayer support.

JVIM International emphasizes the relevance of Bible prophecy in today’s world and stresses its relevance. They assert that recent international events mirror predictions made throughout scripture regarding the end of times (1 Peter 4:13-14). Dr. Jack Van Impe has been proclaiming the truth of Bible prophecy since 1948 and continues to proclaim Jesus’s soon return through TV teaching ministries as well as performing music at concerts worldwide (1 Timothy 6:7-14; Rexella Van Impe is also an integral member.) Additionally, she plays an instrumental role in both TV teaching ministries (1 Peter 4:12). JVIM International acknowledges their relevance, emphasizing both Drs Jack Van Impe and Rexella Van Impe are as key figures when proclaiming Jesus’ coming return (1 Thessalians 1:1).


Jack Van Impe was an integral figure in Christian media and ministry for more than seven decades, dedicating his life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and preparing people for his second coming. Additionally, he founded JVIM International which continues his vision. Through their ministry they left a rich legacy of faith, hope, and love which touched millions worldwide.

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