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Edge-based Computing and Your Business


Evolution in edge-based computing is driving innovations that will change how we do business. These new technologies are driving a seismic shift in how we design and run our businesses, with significant impacts on industries as varied as automotive, retail, public safety, and transportation. 

The changes impact how manufacturers design new products, how customers interact with them, and how public safety agencies respond to emergencies. Here’s how:

Real-time data

Data management is a critical piece of the emerging edge-based computing paradigm. We already handle massive volumes of data, but now we need that data to be fresh and accurate within a few minutes. K3s are excellent as an example as they deliver a lightweight yet robust Kubernetes distribution to manage operational workloads across IoT devices.

The resulting opportunities are numerous, including predictive analytics, tools that provide real-time insight into the performance of your business. You also get the ability to react quickly to customer demands, thereby driving additional revenue.

Smart manufacturing

Manufacturers are transitioning from traditional techniques such as lean manufacturing, which maximizes productivity and efficiency, to digital manufacturing, which incorporates advanced technology. Edge-based computing is a crucial enabler of this transition.

Industrial IoT, or IIoT systems, manage operational data to improve responsiveness and value add through automation. Edge-based computing allows organizations to collect, process, analyze and visualize data captured by IIoT systems at the edge to make more informed decisions.

Elimination of excess data

Big data may also include unnecessary and redundant data on your devices, increasing power consumption and complexity. It’s also an undue cost burden for your organization.

Edge-based computing can help you optimize your data storage by eliminating this excess data. The focus is on collecting only the data needed for critical business decisions; meanwhile, storing that data in a centralized place for immediate use or analysis. 

You’ll be able to access only the data you need through secure point-to-point connections while enhancing overall system efficiency.

Better security systems

As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more popular, so does the threat of malware and cybercrime. With even more IoT devices flooding the market, there’s more reason to improve security at the edge.

Edge-based computing is an essential element of digital security systems that help prevent cyberattacks. In particular, it helps build mechanisms to detect and manage malware when your systems are compromised. Edge-based computing can also control the data flow at the edge in a secure way that meets regulatory requirements for privacy and security.

More vivid augmented reality

Businesses are enhancing customer interactions with new technologies. Augmented reality (AR) is one such technique. It projects a digital image into the real world, allowing you to experience products in their virtual environment.

Edge-based computing is an essential element of AR systems, as it’s responsible for the multi-terabyte processing requirements of 3D modeling. It unlocks the power of a limitless number of sensors, which enables more intricate, accurate models.

Parting shot

Edge-based computing enables businesses to achieve greater efficiency and responsiveness while reducing costs and lowering power consumption. These services will also increase security at the edge, protecting your data from cyberattacks. 

Edge-based computing will continue to evolve rapidly in the coming years, and it will significantly impact how billions of devices interact with each other.