Home Business Bulletproof Marketing Tips for 2022 (Content Marketing)

Bulletproof Marketing Tips for 2022 (Content Marketing)


Content Marketing: Online marketing has been nice to have for many SMEs and larger companies in recent years! But if we learned something in 2020, online marketing and digitization are not just buzzwords; they significantly impact sales, communication, and purchase decisions. After this forced learning, the challenges must be overcome, and their opportunities must be used.

But which developments and trends in digital marketing need to be considered in 2021? Which new instruments and techniques are important to strengthen the online communication of your company? As always, the strategy for achieving your goals is based on a well-thought-out combination of different tools, tactics, and specific techniques.

Google mobile index system

For several years now, more search queries have been made using smartphones than desktop PCs. For loading time, websites often do not provide the same content in the mobile version as in the faster loading desktop version. Google has therefore been working on converting all of its technology and infrastructure to the Mobile-First Index since 2016. 

In the future, when crawling a page, Google will evaluate the view from the eyes of a smartphone user with the smartphone agent – not the desktop version as before. This aims to assess the relevance of the page for the mobile user and classify the page accordingly in the Google ranking.

Content Marketing is still KING!

Content is King” was already written by Bill Gates in 1996 in an essay. This statement also applies in 2021. Maybe even more than ever before! Consumers today inform themselves independently on the Internet and make purchasing decisions largely without looking for personal contact with suppliers. 

Therefore, companies must control the purchase process with content relevant to decision-makers, which provides answers to particular questions in the different phases of the purchase process. 

Content marketing aims to reach the target group at the right time, in the right place, with the right content. Good content is a mix of content, SEO, and design. Accompany your customers along their customer journey with tailor-made content. Before you start, you need to develop a well-thought-out plan for your measures.


See your marketing activities as a whole! Omni-channel marketing will help you! Omnichannel marketing is a strategy that uses digital, analog, and physical channels to interact with customers. In contrast to multichannel marketing, the various areas are seamlessly linked to one another. It is primarily about a cross-device and cross-medium user experience.

In 2021, successful digital marketing will be a mixture of interwoven communication measures. This is how you accompany your target group throughout their entire customer journey. Whether price comparator or spontaneous buyer, you can pick up your customers where they feel comfortable and are ready to buy with the right strategy. 

You can add omnichannel because cross-promoting is very important. You can cross-promote not only on Facebook or Instagram but also on YouTube. For instance, buy YouTube subscribers and get active with community building. 

Due to the constantly growing number of messages companies directly to their target groups, Internet users are now much more resistant to advertising. For this reason, it is essential to multiply all points of contact at which a user receives information about the company or the products and to reach potential customers wherever possible.