Home Entertainment Adrift True Story: Discovered A 2018 film On Your Netflix Home Page

Adrift True Story: Discovered A 2018 film On Your Netflix Home Page


Adrift True Story: If you discovered Adrift, a 2018 film, on your Netflix home page this weekend, you’re in for a treat.

The film stars Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin as Tami Oldham Ashcraft and Richard Sharp, two sailors who set sail from Tahiti to San Diego in 1983 and were caught in the path of Hurricane Raymond.

The film portrays the events leading up to their journey, as well as the storm and its aftermath, but it does not give the complete storey.

Before you continue reading, keep in mind that the genuine tale will give away the plot of the movie, so proceed at your own risk.

Adrift True Story discovered a 2018 film

Ashcraft, 23, and her fiancé, Sharp, took a job sailing the yacht Hazana from New York to San Diego in September 1983, a journey of more than 4,000 miles. Hurricane Raymond, which created 40-foot seas and 140-mph gusts.

Hit Ashcraft and Sharp less than three weeks into their journey. Sharp urged Ashcraft to go below deck for a rest on October 12, but the boat capsized, knocking Ashcraft unconscious.

Sharp was gone when she awakened the next day, and his safety rope was dangling over the side of the boat.

At that moment, Ashcraft had no choice but to make whatever repairs she could and try to sail the boat back to shore. She emptied the water out of the cabin,

Fixed a sail with an extra jib, and started navigating manually with just a sextant (a navigational device used by sailors) and a watch.

She decided that San Diego was too far away, so she set her sights on Hawaii, a 1,500-mile voyage. She finished the journey in 41 days, surviving on canned food and peanut butter.

Dealing with Richard’s

Dealing with Richard’s absence was the most difficult thing,” she told the Chicago Tribune in 2003. “However, when I was in survival mode, my grief was rather mild.

It wasn’t as intense as when I arrived to shore and realised the fight for survival was done, and I could see people gathered around me, and everything kept reminding me of him.”

Obviously, the movie version of Sharp survives the hurricane’s arrival, but only kind of. Ashcraft writes in Red Sky in Mourning, her narrative about the incident, that she felt like she was being guided by a voice.

While she characterised the voice as her “inner soul” in 2003, the film interprets it as Richard and reveals that he was carried off the boat during the hurricane.

After the wreck, what Ashcraft “sees” is simply a manifestation of his spirit, and all of the chores she completes to go to Hawaii are things she accomplishes on her own.

The audience must decide whether or not this ploy is successful, although the genuine Ashcraft appears to be unconcerned. Sam told Cosmopolitan that she “helped the writers originally with the storey” in an interview.

She also paid a visit to the set while filming and offered Sam her blessing for his portrayal of Sharp, according to Sam. He explained, “We’re telling her narrative, and she seemed to be championing it.”

Despite surviving a harrowing ordeal | Adrift True Story

Despite surviving a harrowing ordeal on the open sea, Ashcraft continues to sail today. She stated, “I really love it.” “I’m very enthusiastic about it.

I compare [the hurricane] to being involved in a car accident. You get back in your automobile or, as they say, get back on your horse.”

In 2019, she spoke with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution about how to stay safe when sailing and what to do if they get into problems at sea.

Don’t meddle with Mother Nature,” she says as the first [rule]. “Pay attention to the weather because Mother Nature is much larger than we are.” That is one of the most critical points I can make.”

Ashcraft even advocated the use of modern technology. “You can obtain up-to-date weather updates and maritime weather faxes with today’s technology,” she stated.

We could only obtain the weather every three hours in 1983.” In addition, today’s electronics are far superior and waterproof.”

She did, however, underline that it was her sextant that saved her life. “…that sextant, I tell you, saved my life. Even if it’s a plastic sextant.

I always recommend having a sextant onboard with the proper tables if you’re planning to conduct ocean crossings.

Because, in the end, if all the batteries fail, you still have that. And it was because of that that my life was saved.

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