Home Technology 7 Signs You’ve Hired the Right UI Designer For Your Project

7 Signs You’ve Hired the Right UI Designer For Your Project


7 Signs You’ve Hired the Right UI Designer For Your Project: The web development industry is massive because many companies need digital products to grow. Today, there are more than 2 billion web applications globally. So, there is a high demand for web experts worldwide. UI designers are among the professionals who play an integral role in developing functional web products.

Finding the right UI professionals to handle your web project might be challenging. The development experts might multi-task and execute different roles, compromising product quality. That is why you must do due diligence before you hire user experience designers.

But how do you know if you have recruited the right person for the UI role? This article discusses some crucial points to help you understand the hiring journey of UI experts and the requirements.

Who Is a UI designer?

User interface design is a web design field focusing on creating product interfaces that meet the users’ needs. Whether you are developing a website or mobile app, it should have easily accessible elements and good usability. So, the job of UI designers is to facilitate the connection between users and web applications.

UI Designer Skills

Creating interfaces that allow seamless user interaction is vital. What skills does a person need to become a competent UI designer? Let us explore the UI competencies you need to look out for during recruitment.

  •       Creativity and design
  •       Technical skills
  •       Industry Knowledge
  •       Attention to detail
  •       Problem Solving Skills
  •       Time Management
  •       Teamwork
  •       Effective Communication

Here are some signs to know that you have onboarded the right expert for the UI job.

Impressive Portfolio

During the interview process, one way of vetting the candidates is to evaluate their portfolios. The major projects highlighted in the portfolio measure what the person will bring to your company. It helps you to determine the applicant’s skills and expertise. 

If the designer’s portfolio displays top-quality projects, you have the right expert for the job. It is imperative to pick a designer who has worked on live projects and understands the entire web development process. 

Originality is key in UI design. It reveals the designer’s expertise in creating interfaces that satisfy the users. So, you will know that you have recruited the best UI expert if they take on new projects and create authentic designs that display their expertise. 

Communication Quality

As mentioned above, effective communication is a vital skill in UI design. The new UI designer should be able to communicate with the entire development team and articulate ideas well. One sign that you have hired an expert is communication quality through emails, during meetings, and presentations. 

Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of UI design success. If the designer is confident and shows determination in each project, your company will gain immensely from their contribution. Find out how the designer communicates with clients and team members. 

Task Comprehension

How does the UI designer handle the projects? It is a good sign if they ask questions to understand the user expectations and company goals. Expert designers always conduct further research and need detailed answers before starting a project. Therefore, you are on the safe side if your new designer seeks detailed understanding rather than rushing to create mockups.


Does the UI designer have team spirit? Web design is a collaborative discipline where experts must work together. If the designer has teamwork effort, you will deliver exceptional products. Even though people have different personalities, having a professional who accepts criticisms positively and collaborates with the team members is key to your project’s success.  

Diverse Expertise and Experience

Another sign that you have recruited the best person for the UI role is the expertise and experience they bring to your company. You can find a designer with extensive programming knowledge. Having the required qualification is not enough; does the designer have diverse expertise in other web development fields. Thus, check out the UI designer’s level of experience and proficiency, and you will know that you have hired an asset to your agency.

Visual Hierarchy Understanding

Visual hierarchy is an essential aspect of an excellent UI design. The UI designer you have recruited must understand the visual hierarchy and what it entails. UI experts must know how to manage text size, add color palettes, and scale design elements. So, if the new designer completes the first project and includes hierarchy elements, you have the right person. Having the perfect visual hierarchy ensures easy navigation and a smooth user experience. 

Minimalistic Approach

UI design can make or break a web product; you need an expert to handle your project. Usually, UI design thrives under a minimalistic approach. If your UI expert creates simple and clear designs, you have recruited the best professional. 

While creativity is not restricted, cluttered designs are not appealing and might result in a bad user experience. Besides, developers will experience difficulties during code writing.

Seeking Mentorship

Ambitious UI designers who join a new agency or team always seek seasoned experts for guidance. You will know you have hired a good fit if they seek mentorship from UI gurus. This trait will help them to polish their skills and become better at creating exceptional interfaces. 

An individual who seeks to gain more knowledge is flexible and has a self-drive to become a better UI designer. 

Requests for Feedback

Since design is a continuous process, you need a professional who is not afraid to ask for feedback after completing projects. Regardless of whether the feedback is negative or positive, an open-minded creative will accept the results and implement changes. Thus, your recruit is a keeper if they apply the suggestions to attain the project goals and meet user needs.    


Right from the job interview, a competent UI designer should demonstrate their expertise in design elements. So, the above pointers will help you know if you have hired the perfect UI expert for your project. Check the candidate’s skills and competencies; track their performance on the first days of employment. The way they integrate into the team, onboard, and solve ongoing challenges will show whether you’ve made the right choice.