Home News 3 Essential Tips For Hotel Marketing That Works

3 Essential Tips For Hotel Marketing That Works

Hotel Marketing
Hotel Marketing

Did you know that 81% of travelers want better digital customer service from hotel brands? Hotel marketing is predominantly done online in 2021 and an effective, thoughtful strategy undoubtedly has the power to attract more travelers to your establishment.

The greatest challenge is the overwhelming amount of competition. However, you can outshine your competitors and grow a hotel business by implementing a few crucial strategies.

Read further to learn about three important hotel marketing tips.

Hotel Marketing
Hotel Marketing

Use Social Media to Amazing Effect

People manage their interactions almost exclusively through their smartphones. Social media has become a major battleground for building brand awareness, increasing visibility, and capturing customers’ attention. A strong presence is absolutely vital in order to grow a hotel business.

Travel-related content has proven very popular on social media in recent years. Be creative and inspire your audience across various platforms.

Cater to your specific demographics and post regularly on your channels. Through consistency and creating a human connection, you will receive more brand recognition as well as bookings.

Word of mouth is more powerful than any advertisement, so be sure to respond to customers from your business account. One impressed traveler can share his positive experience among his friends, and this has the potential to attract many new customers.

Hotel Marketing Practices Are Useless Without SEO

Search Engine Optimization cannot be ignored by businesses across the board, especially the hotel industry. Travelers typically use search engines to find places to stay.

The #1 result in Google gets 31.7% of all clicks, whilst the last result on the first page only receives 2.2% of clicks. Meanwhile, a measly 0.78% of Google searchers clicked on anything from the second page.

Google is constantly updating its algorithms and strategy, so it’s essential to stay up to date with the latest SEO trends if you intend to market your hotel successfully. There is plenty that can be done to rank your hotel’s website higher on Google.

It’s very important to plan your keywords effectively, so you must consider what your audience is likely to search on Google when planning their trip. Then, you can develop a list of keywords and apply them to your website.

Click this link to learn more and receive specialized hotel SEO services from The Hoth.

Video Is a Wonderful Tool

It’s absolutely worth noting that video has become the #1 form of media used in content strategy, overtaking blogs and infographics. We’ve touched upon the importance of SEO and, by simply adding a video to your website, your chances of appearing on the first page of Google results massively increase. 

Informative and touching videos, featuring a compelling video image, have the power to propel your hotel onto a far bigger stage. People are 10 times more likely to engage with and share video content.

A high-quality hotel marketing video can share your story whilst giving potential customers a glimpse of what their next trip may look like.

Ready For Greater Success

These three tips above, combined effectively will undoubtedly lead to a more successful hotel business. Although hotel marketing has drastically changed in recent years, it has surely never been more important.

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