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Your Quick Beginner’s Guide to TENS Units


Your Quick Beginner’s Guide to TENS Units Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy is the process of treating pain with a low-voltage electric current. A tiny device guides the current close to the nerves. This therapy effectively blocks the perception of pain.

Your Quick Beginner’s Guide to TENS Units

A Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation unit (Tens Unit, like those for sale here) comprises a battery-powered device that passes electrical impulses via electrodes that are placed on the skin surface. These electrodes are placed somewhere close to or at the nerves where the pain is felt or any other trigger points.

How does (TENS) work?

Generally, two different theories explain how transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) works. The first theory suggests that the electric impulse triggers the nerve cells that restrict the transmission of pain signals, and in the process, modifies the pain perception.

The second theory proposes that nerve stimulation increases the endorphin level, which is the pain-killing chemicals in the body. the level of endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain-killing chemicals.

What are the applications of TENS

This non-invasive therapy has been studied for years and is known to relieve different kinds of pain. Whether it is long-lasting pain or temporary pain, this method is very effective. Yet, there are several conditions that require the adoption of TENS. Some of these are listed below:

  • Tendinitis: an inflammation of a tendon.
  • Bursitis: inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints.
  • Fibromyalgia: intense pain in muscles, tendons, and joints all over the body, especially felt along the spine.
  • Osteoarthritis: Joints diseases
  • Low back pain
  • Intense pelvic pain
  • Diabetic neuropathy: serious injury to the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body
  • Pain experienced during labor.

Restrictions on using TENS

Despite its wide usage, there are certain conditions in which TENS must not be used. Some of these are enumerated as follows:

  • If the patient has an implantable device: cardioverter/defibrillator, neurostimulators, bone growth stimulator, indwelling blood pressure monitors). 
  • If the patient is pregnant: Do not be tempted to apply TENS therapy to the abdomen, hand, knee, ankle, and pelvic area 
  • Avoid the use of TENS close to areas where electronics are implanted. This could result in a serious malfunction of these devices. 
  • Deep vein thrombosis. Do not apply TENS therapy since it is capable of increasing the circulation of blood, which may increase the risk of dislodging a blood clot.
  • Cancer: It is wrong for someone who has a history of cancer in the previous 5 years to use TEMS.
  • Epilepsy: Do not apply the electrodes to certain parts of your body, including the head, neck, or shoulders. The impulses could initiate seizures.
  • Heart disease. Do not apply this therapy to your chest if you have a history of heart disease, heart failure, or arrhythmias.
  • A bleeding disorder or any recent bleeding tissue. TENS therapy could increase the flow of blood at the tissue site or increase the risk of bleeding in persons with these disorders.
  • If you have damaged skin.
  • Near your eyes, mouth, or neck.
  • If you have infected tissue or wounds. TENS could cause the spread of any infection.
  • Near any genitals and other reproductive organs.
  • To tissue recently exposed to radiation treatment.
  • To areas of the body with reduced sensation.

What are the advantages of TENS?

As already established, this therapy is a non-invasive pain relief method. There is no need for skin penetration to have full effect. It can either be used alone or alongside prescriptions. This should prove very effective for patients who use TENS therapy. However, you should never make any adjustments in the dosage without consulting your doctor first.

Furthermore, TEMS has gained much popularity owing to the fact that it is small and portable. This ensures that it can be used on the go whenever you feel any form of pain on an applicable part of your body. 

Are there any side effects after using TENS?

Generally, this therapy has only had very few side effects reported. In very few cases, some patients have complained of burns at the impact point where the electrodes are placed. Besides this, there are instances when patients react badly to the adhesives used to attach the pad to the skin. It causes their skin to turn red or irritated. 


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) has gathered so much praise and attention from various experts and professionals for its effectiveness and negligible side effects. However, as stated above, there are certain instances when it can’t be used. Once you adhere strictly to the way it is run, it will work well for you. As technology advances, so do we!