
Why Some Teachers Are Against Technology In Education?



Why Some Teachers Are Against Technology In Education?: Technology usage for educational purposes is a popular trend attracting lively attention and extensive funding. More and more teachers add computer-based elements to academic routine, improve communication, create a convenient atmosphere for collaborative and self-directed learning. It becomes possible to educate digital citizens, people ready to live and reach success in the informatization era. 

Why Some Teachers Are Against Technology In Education?

But still, technology in education has opponents. Some professors prefer old, well-tested methods, treat innovations with prejudice, do not want to keep up with time and transform the educational environment. 

There are also educators who are willing to embrace technology but cannot do it because administrators do not create due infrastructure and do not train their employees. As a result, teachers do not know how to use digital means and prefer avoiding them in order not to worsen current strategies.

Existing challenges should be analyzed and addressed to increase the efficiency of computer-based education and create schools of the future. In this article, experts from have outlined the key reasons why teachers oppose technology in the classroom. 

Technology is not always the answer

Even though innovations simplify many processes and help educators to get rid of routine operations, technology sometimes seems to be useless or even harmful. For example, despite a large number of note-taking apps and recorders, some teachers prefer manual writing. At first glance, it is very convenient to just copy a printed text and read it on the eve of an exam. But students memorize information better when writing by hand. 

It turns out that print saves time but worsens knowledge absorbing. In addition, it is uncomfortable to work on small screens for long. Such activities may harm young people’s vision. That is why educators find it senseless to introduce electronic data carriers. 

Differing device capabilities

Not all schools can afford buying the same tablets or laptops for all students. Young people are often asked to bring their own devices to a class. Differences between a simple Android smartphone and an iPad may become a serious obstacle. A teacher should know how all devices work to assist each learner, understand what capabilities these gadgets have to choose assignments which everyone may perform. Also, kids from rich families having expensive phones may brag and lower self-esteem of learners using modest and cheap devices. 

Students get distracted

It is uneasy to focus on course materials if there are many entertaining apps on a student’s smartphone and notifications from social networks constantly pop up on a screen. Professors cannot be sure that young people actually learn and do not use instant messengers and games at lectures. That is why gadgets are often prohibited in the classroom. 

Lesson time and discipline

It takes much effort to prepare students for computer-based learning. It may be rather challenging for educators to maintain discipline and order, especially when working with juniors perceiving gadgets as toys rather than educational tools. Instructing learners and checking whether they use phones correctly reduces the productive time of a lesson. Teachers often have to reprimand young people for not putting screens down when listening to a lecturer, concealing phones and playing games, pretending gadgets are discharged or do not work in order not to perform assignments. 

The need for professional development

Parents and students expect educators to introduce technology in the class, but nobody cares about teachers’ readiness for such changes. Just as learners, tutors need to be taught. It is worth developing a comprehensive training system contributing to their professional growth, providing information on tech advances, effective digital means and strategies. Vocational education should be continuous and sustainable. For now, statistics show that resources are allocated for professional training sporadically. That is why we still do not have high-tech tools in each school and university. 

Not everyone uses technology at home

Some teachers and learners do not use computers and smartphones on a regular basis, access the Internet from time to time and do not have constant connectivity. This is especially characteristic for people living in poor districts and rural areas. They have no opportunity to keep up with tech-savvy peers and colleagues, work and study worse because of insufficient computer literacy and poor infrastructure. 

Educators are forced to prepare different tasks for different students depending on their digital proficiency.  Since it is difficult to ensure an equal knowledge level for everyone, many professors discard computer-based components and develop traditional curricula. 

Teachers should protect students

The Internet may be a rather dangerous space if approached without due caution. Educators should teach students netiquette and rules of conduct helping to avoid cyber bullies’ and scammers’ attacks. Also, young people should be instructed on how to use devices in a classroom, taught not to leave them without supervision in order not to attract thieves’ attention.

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