Maile Masako Brady, commonly referred to as Wayne Brady (a prominent television personality, comedian, actor and singer). She has appeared in movies such as It Has...
Jelly Roll is a country rapper who has made waves in the music industry since 2011. He has earned multiple accolades since then, such as three...
Alba Baptista, best known for her role as Ava Silva on Netflix’s Warrior Nun, rose to international recognition with her performance. She first made her mark...
Lola Burr is the daughter of Bill Burr, an internationally recognized stand-up comedian and actor. Born in 2017, Lola has since made headlines since entering society’s...
Harry Styles and Meghan Trainor are two acclaimed singers, but are they related? No; instead they are good friends who have collaborated on songs together. How...
Daft Punk, the legendary French duo that pioneered electronic music for almost 30 years, announced their retirement with a short clip entitled Epilogue on February 20,...